Precipio Wealth Management LLC
What We Do - Our Clients
Uniquely Working Toward Common Goals

Many of our client relationships are longer than 25 years, and we are proud that some span three and four generations.

Our clients are located in many parts of the United States and in some foreign countries. They are successful people who are engaged but very busy with their lives, and appreciate a high level of service.

Each of them has unique objectives, but they have three main characteristics in common:

  • They have neither the time nor the inclination to develop
    and maintain what is required for a sound investment program;
  • They seek a trusted and unbiased advisor who approaches
    wealth management comprehensively; and
  • They are willing to fully delegate to professionals.

Bringing Resources And Objectivity Together

Over the past few years, our clients have challenged us to embrace the rapidly emerging outsourced resources and technology that is robustly available today. We now bring together world-class partners in an advisory, fee-only format that separates advice from sub-managers and separates the asset custodian from the advisory firm.

Repeatable Process for a Range of Clients

A significant part of our practice is devoted to serving the specialized needs of physicians and their retirement plans and trusts. Others include:

  • Pre-retirees
  • Retirees
  • Trusts
  • Qualified ERISA Plans
  • Individual Retirement Accounts
  • Religious organizations
  • Non-profit associations

“While no one can predict the future, we can help clients prepare for theirs and make wise investment decisions.”


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